Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Lost in my memories film poster


  1. 1. u used the same font for everything

    2. make the release date stand out

    3. it links to the genre

  2. 1) appropriate use of conventions
    2) good use of critical acclaim
    3) consistant use of colour
    4)clear written information included - production details, release date, tag line etc

  3. 1. I still dont understand why half of her jeans are blue and black, maybe you should just have her face in colour and everything else in black and white.
    2. Use more professional font for the part above the relaease date.
    other than that i really like this poster more because everything stands out more.

  4. good use of colour
    the use of critical acclaim is good
    can tell the genre through the poster - VERY GOOD!!!!!
