Friday, 8 October 2010
Thursday, 7 October 2010
munas film reveiw 2 for p.s i love you
The poster above is a film review from the slant magazine for the film p.s I love you. This review is written in such a thought provoking way that and it successfully catches the attention of the target audience. However it does this in many ways .firstly it mentions all previous Oscars that the film has won. This helps because the audience would get an understand of what kind of things the film specialises in. secondly the review also consists of the main actors names and also there role in the movie . this helps create awareness to the audience as these actors are very famous ones and so they are known globally for there priviouse success in other award winning movies.

The review also successfully gives a brief outline for the plot and what the film is actually about. This helps because the target audience would now be able to understand what the film is about and so this would increase there interest in the film .
muna film review p.s i love you
This is a empire film review of the film p.s i love you. This review is written in formal English which could imply that the target audience could be of an older age and so they should have the ability of reading a formal piece of writing
The review has a very out going approach towards its target audience as it gets its point a view across clearly and the good use of imagery helps the reader understand who the main characters’ are.
This review also mentions a brief outline of the plot of the movie. And it also mentions the names of the main actors. This is a good way to attract audience because the actors are well known for there god acting and so this could be the high light of the whole review in general.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Shannika magazine film review (layout)
- For this film review, it includes a very big image at the top of the page of a men and a women who seem to be quite close together. From this suggest that they are the main character.
- The columns in this review is very straight forward and has 4 columns.
- The style of the writting is very plain which makes it easy to read and is continuious throughout the whole review.
- In this review the main text is in bold writting which makes it very clear to the target audience and stands out suggesting it is important information. Out of all the text on the review the title of the film is the biggest in black font.
- Also italics is presented on the review for the cast etc. By doing this makes it stand out against the normal font but does it in a more suttle way than makiing it bold.
- The method used to rate the film on this review is the amount of stars awarded which is presented at the bottom of the review against a red block which makes it stand out. Above it also has a comment of the film.

Titanic film review (3)-Shannika
- The use of language throughout this review is colloquial and not complex as it doesnt use any complex vocabulary but broken down language which isn't even in the dictionary such as "Puh-leeze". Therefore the target audience is more broad as anyone with a low reading age such a 8 would be able to read this review.
- The review also uses rhetorical questions such as " Kate Winslet, one of my favorite actresses around, as a first-class dreamer who falls for the lug?" By doing this engages the reader and allows them to get involved by thinking of the actual film how it could be.
- The mode of address of this review is in second person using the second personal prononun 'you'. By doing this also engages the reader and allows them to get involved in this review. Also using the word "you" helps communicate the review better as it brings a conversational tone to the review.
- This review focuses on the narrative and how the actual story line is the success of the film rather than the characters. He even said " These parts could have been played by anybody and then forgotten. The movie would remain the same".
Titanic film review (2)-Shannika
- The use of language throughout this review is non-colloquial. By using formal language suggest the target audience for this review is for an adult audience or those who have a complex vocabulary.
- The mode of address of this review is in third person. By having an omnicent narrator allows the narrator to tell the whole story not from a bias point of view. It also uses rhetorical questions such as "Nothing is worth $240 million, surely?". By doing this engages the reader and allows them to get involved in this review. This also helps communicate the review better as it brings a conversational tone to the review.
- This review focuses on the director as well as the two main characters Jack and Rose. In the reciew, when talking about the director it highlights Cameron's ideas and concepts of the film as well as his spending. In addition it also adds he's a "perfectionist" suggesting he only settles for the best hinting this film is good. On the two main characters it discusses the background of the characters. For example it discusses how Rose is "upper-class" whereas they discusses Jack as being "penniless". Already from this we can see there may be social class conflict and we also are presented with one of the main themes love.
- For the narrative it discusses the "genuine love of two characters compared to the sterotypical supporting characters.
Production Schedule
Schedule for 1st rough cut for the film:
Oct 14th- 21st- filming
Oct 14th-learning camera/ film ALL the boys shots (1.30 hrs)
Oct 15th- lunch time- shots of vanessa walking to the park (1.00 hr)
Oct 18th- lunch time- college scenes of Vanessa and friends (1.30 hr)
Oct 19th- double lesson film the news report (2.00 hrs)
Oct 20th- add any key shots of location
Oct 21th-watch our shots over- log and transfer
Oct 22nd- Any thing that needs to be re-done
Nov 1st-5th- editing the whole week
Nov 1st- lunch time onwards
Nov 2nd- double lesson
Nov 3rd- 1.55 -2.55
Schedule for final draft poster:
-Oct 7th- lunch time -take picture for film poster (1 hr)
-Oct 11th final draft of film poster
Schedule for magazine page first draft:
- Oct 8th- draft of review page
- Nov 1st- final draft of review page
(Muna and Vanessa)
25-29th half term
Oct 14th- 21st- filming
Oct 14th-learning camera/ film ALL the boys shots (1.30 hrs)
Oct 15th- lunch time- shots of vanessa walking to the park (1.00 hr)
Oct 18th- lunch time- college scenes of Vanessa and friends (1.30 hr)
Oct 19th- double lesson film the news report (2.00 hrs)
Oct 20th- add any key shots of location
Oct 21th-watch our shots over- log and transfer
Oct 22nd- Any thing that needs to be re-done
Nov 1st-5th- editing the whole week
Nov 1st- lunch time onwards
Nov 2nd- double lesson
Nov 3rd- 1.55 -2.55
Schedule for final draft poster:
-Oct 7th- lunch time -take picture for film poster (1 hr)
-Oct 11th final draft of film poster
Schedule for magazine page first draft:
- Oct 8th- draft of review page
- Nov 1st- final draft of review page
(Muna and Vanessa)
25-29th half term
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Titanic film review (1)-Shannika
- The use of language throughout this review is non-colloquial and quite complex as it goes into detail using tecniqual terms. For example, "structural elements". By using formal language suggest the target audience for this review is for an adult audience or those who have a complex vocabulary.
- The mode of address of this review is in second person using the second personal prononun 'you'. By doing this engages the reader and allows them to get involved in this review. Also using the word "you" helps communicate the review better as it brings a conversational tone to the review.
- This review focuses on the narrative, the negative pre-judgement and how it actually turnt out. For the narrative it discusses how the story line is in terms of dialogue to convey the storyline and distaster. For example the dialogue in this film was seen of having "poor dialogue". Whereas for the disaster it compares it to another epic film. After the negativity right at the end it talks about what "a truley impressive feat of entertainment" the film is by the director.
- It also talks about how critics had negative thoughts about the film before it actually came out which was in the begining of the review.
Shannika Wallace
Friday, 1 October 2010
Slant magazine on 'Romeo and Juliet'- Vanessa
This is a film Slant magazine film review on 'Romeo and Juliet'
- The film review mostly uses formal language to communication to it's target audience. The target audience are fans of William Shakepeare or whom enjoy tragic love stories.
- Through their use of formal language they discuss Romeo and Juliet strong love towards one and another.
- The review focused on this film being director Baz Luhrmann best known film for 'reviving the movie musical' along side Moulin Rouge.
- They focus on the actor Leanardo Dicaprio as he also starred in 'Titanic'.
- The review also focuses on both actor and actress 'Leanardo Dicaprio and 'Claire Daines' they say they are the 90's pop culture icons as a couple.
- The review also says as this is one of Shakespeare classics the film is a success.
- It also discusses a breif outline of the plot mentioning the main characters Leonardo Dicaprio and Claire Daines.
Annotated Poster-Shannika
One of the unique selling point of this movie is the actors Jack (Leonadro DiCaprio) and Rose (Kate Winset). The two Hollywood actors names are at the top of the poster in capital letters which makes it stand out suggesting they have some kind of importance. The affect of using this is, it reinforces who the main characters are and who the Hollywood actors are. The image used on this poster are the two leading characters which is at the top, and below is the ship. By using these famous actors on the poster helps attract the target audience. For example, if those who have watched films such as Romeo and Juliet which. is a successful film with the actor Leandro would know of him being a good actor and may want to see this film. Also those who are fans of these actors presented on the poster will want to watch the film. Another selling point of this films poster is the ship and the name of the film.This is as those who are interested in history would know about this ship which was thought of never being able to sink. This attracts people who are interested in history as is is a film which is about what actually happened. Additionally the director James Cameron is a well know and respected director who now has produced one of the highest grossing films Avatar
The genre of the film is a romance drama and is communicated to the target audience by the character shown, mise-en scene, narrative, title of the film and themes. For example, there is a man and a women shown to have a physical connenction which suggest they could be going out with one another. The hug that Jack is giving Rose in this picture suggest that he doesn't want to let go of her.This also hints one of the themes in the story, which is love. For the drama part of the genre the target audience can see that these characters are of different class by the clothing worn. For example, Rose has a fancy looking dress on with earing and red lipstick while Jack has his hair hanging down and a normal top which is covered by Rose's dress. Also by the ship directly in the middle could suggest a problem. By the title of the film the narrative is communicated to the target audience. This is as Titanic was a huge terrifying event that everyone knew about
The target audience for this film is amied at 12 year olds onwards. It also is for both male and females. The film is targeted for people who enjoy romance dramas which includes a traggic ending with conflict involved. It also is target for the fans
The font used throughout this poster is font Century. This gives it an affect of the time the film was set for.The main important text on the film poster is in white font. For example, the title of the film is in bold white font. By this makes it stand out attracting the target audience. Also the slogan is in white font "nothing on earth could come between them" and the names of the main characters which are written in a medium size font. This evokes to the target audience this is the second most important of information on the poster. The slogan also hints that the characters displayed are insepreable hinting the romance genre. At the bottom of the film poster is less important information that the target audience may not be interested in such as the people who helped produce the movie.
The poster represents the love of to binary oposites as they are from different social class. This poster insinuates regardless of who and where your from that love is stronger. This poster also represents the tragic of the film by the use of the image of the titanic ship at the bottom.
Shannika Wallace
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